The following is a list of potential topics for lectures by the seminar participants. It is not exhaustive; you are welcome to propose your own topic! You are also welcome to email us with suggested references for any given topic.
Topics claimed by a participant:
- Weighted limits and colimits.
- Claimed by James Macpherson, who will tell us about weighted joins.
- Ref: Max Kelly – Basic concepts of enriched category theory, Section 3.1; Martina Rovelli – Weighted limits in an (∞,1)-category.
- (∞,n)-categories.
- Claimed by Björn Gohla, who will tell us about Segal n-categories.
- Ref: Julia Bergner and Charles Rezk - Comparison of models for (∞,n)-categories, I and Comparison of models for (∞,n)-categories, II, Carlos Simpson - Homotopy theory of higher categories (draft version).
- The hypotheses: cobordism, tangle, homotopy, and/or stabilization.
- Claimed by Rui Peixoto, who will tell us about the cobordism hypothesis.
- Ref: John Baez and James Dolan - Higher-dimensional Algebra and Topological Quantum Field Theory, John Baez - The homotopy hypothesis.
- Note: In the Baez-Dolan reference, the cobordism hypothesis is called “The Extended TQFT Hypothesis, Part I”.
- Operads and ∞-operads.
- Claimed by João Candeias.
- Ref: Jacob Lurie - Higher algebra, Chapter 2.
- Topological field theories or other functorial field theories.
- Claimed by Nino Scalbi.
- Ref: Jacob Lurie - On the classification of topological field theories, among others.
Topics still available:
- Straightening and unstraightening.
- Symmetric monoidal structures.
- The panorama of models for ∞-categories.
- Homotopy limits and colimits vs ∞-limits and ∞-colimits.
- Model categories vs ∞-categories.
- Enriched ∞-categories.
- (∞,2)-categories.
- Functor calculus.
- Embedding calculus.
- Derived deformation theory.
- Stable ∞-categories.