In this page you can find the date, lecturer, a link for lecture notes by Rui, and a summary information about the lectures that have been delievered.
Lecture 1
- Date: 01/03/2023
- Lecturer: John Huerta
- Summary:
- An introduction to weak \(n\)-categories, models, and the homotopy hypothesis.
- Notes by Rui Peixoto.
Lecture 2
- Date: 08/03/2023
- Lecturer: Diogo Andrade
- Summary:
- We did a less-than-superficial introduction to simplicial sets and introduced some helpful notation.
- We carefully introduced the nerve of a category as a simplicial set which satisfies a unique extension condition.
- We showed that the nerve is a fully faithful functor.
We showed that nerves of categories are universally characterized by the unique extension condition.
- Notes by Rui Peixoto.
Lecture 3
- Date: 15/03/2023
- Lecturer: Diogo Andrade
Part 1
- We defined the notion of \(\infty\)-category as a weak Kan complex. We checked that there are sound notions of product, coproduct of \(\infty\)-categories and \(\infty\)-subcategories (full and non-full).
- We gave a definition of \(\infty\)-functor and \(\infty\)-natural transformation and checked that they agree with our ususal notions when seen from the nerve lens.
Part 2
- In the second half of the lecture we defined the fundamental category of a simplicial set via a universal property and we formally constructed it.
- We constructed the homotopy relation among 1-morphisms of an \(\infty\)-category and stated they form an equivalence relation on the sets of morphisms and that its natural projection functor satisfies the universal property for the fundamental category.
In the end, we proved the mapping-product adjunction for simplicial sets, and in the proccess we defined mapping space/function complex \(\mathsf{Fun}(\mathcal C, \mathcal D)_\bullet\) - this provided us with a sensible candiade for \(\infty\)-functor category.
- Notes by Rui Peixoto.
Lecture 4
- Date: 22/03/2023
- Lecturer: Diogo Andrade
Part 1:
- We introduced the notion of weakly saturated class and inner-anodyne map.
- We introdueced and showed some results concerning lifting claculus and inner fibrations.
Part 2:
- We looked informally at some structural properties of the class of inner fibrations.
- We skimmed over the small object arguement, the proof that the weak saturation of the class of boundary inclusions is the class of monomorphisms.
Constructed the pushout-product and pullback-hom and sketched a proof of the lifting adjunction theorem.
- Slides Part 1 and Slides Part 2 by Diogo Andrade
Lectrue 5
- Date: 29/03/2023
- Lectruer: Diogo Andrade
- We proved that the function complex is an \(\infty\)-category by showing a trifecta of technical lemmas which can be summarized as: the pushout-product of an inner-anodyne map and a monomrphism is again inner-anodyne.
We showed some variants of the above for other classes of morphisms. In particular we gave four different generating classes of morphisms for the class of inner-andoyne maps.
- Slides